Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Conflicting SB and BOS meetings 3/23

Parents -- It seems that the School Board and Board of Supervisors have scheduled conflicting meetings tonight. Both agendas WILL cover school budgetary items as well as KPMG audit information , and it is important that we have parents at both. If you plan to attend one or the other, it would be helpful and appreciated if you could email board@goochlandparents.com so we know what kind of coverage we have at each.

School Board is 6:30 at the Annnex Building
Agenda: http://www.glnd.k12.va.us/index/schoolboard/agendas/

Board of Supervisors is at 7:00 at the Goochland Administration Building
Agenda: http://www.co.goochland.va.us/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=%2fRF5V5WDonY%3d&tabid=59&mid=474

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