Wednesday, July 27, 2011

No Goochland School Closure

A petition has been started concerning the possible closure of one of the elementary schools.

Please review and sign if you disagree with this possible action being considered by the school administration:

Marc Maier
GEPA Chairman

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The GEPA blog site is now attached to a full domain:

which is a little easier to remember and pass around than the full blogspot URL. And the old URL will continue to work as well.

GEPA Chairman

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Greetings from the new GEPA board.

A very belated hello from the new GEPA board members. Unfortunately it has taken a little time to transfer over the administration functions of this blog and the forums, but we are starting to get up to speed.

First, on behalf of the new board I'd like to express our thanks to the previous board for all their effort and hard work over the last year. We will do our best to keep the momentum going.

Over the next year, the new board has set several goals:

- Plan a school board candidates community meeting before the November 8 elections, so that all concerned county residents meet all the school board candidates and discuss their concerns.

- Continue attendance at school board meetings by GEPA board members and relay important news and items.

- Review the school administration / board budget process and the issues from the past few years, to look for ways to suggest improvements to the process and increase community participation.

- Continue GEPA efforts to foster open and respectful communication between parents, residents, board members, and school administration in order to continue overall improvement in the Goochland County school system.

Lastly, anyone with concerns or issues with the GEPA blog and forums can call me at 804-556-5188, or email me at marcmaier _at_

Marc Maier - GEPA Chairman.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

GEPA Annouces New Board

Parents and Friends,

The Goochland Education Parents Association (GEPA) is proud to announce the installation of the 2011-2012 Board:

Marc Maier, Chairman
Rebecca Herrera, Vice-Chairman
Kristin Emery, Secretary
Nicole Melton, Treasurer

As GEPA moves forward to another school year, I respectfully ask that you continue to support this organization and the individuals who will volunteer their time and effort in these leadership roles.

I want to personally thank everyone whose involvement made an important impact this past year –  from attending School Board meetings and serving on various committees to speaking out at public hearings or simply letting us know your thoughts and opinions on important issues involving our schools.  Together, we made a difference.

Over the past year, we’ve gained some wonderful momentum, not only having our voices heard but also impacting some important decisions made by the School Board (SB) and Board of Supervisors (BOS).
·        We saved various important after school activities including swimming, band, golf, & gymnastics as well as transportation for the Maggie Walker kids.

·        Our “Stand Up For Goochland Education” campaign was also a success because of the involvement of MANY citizens of Goochland.  Although the schools didn’t receive all of their funding, the message sent to our BOS was clear.  Our schools are an important part of our county.

·        We also focused on the communication issue between the SB & BOS. During my meeting with SB Chair Ivan Mattox and BOS Chair Bill Quarles this past spring, I raised the issue of the importance of improving this relationship for the betterment of our county. This was an important first step in the process, but continued efforts will be needed as the two boards transition after the November elections.

As I bid adieu, I now ask for your support as candidate for School Board in District 2. I feel my dedication to the kids, experience on GEPA the past two years, and in depth knowledge of the budget and state mandates are just what we need in the next four years. I hope you agree.

In closing, it is important that GEPA and our community continue to advocate for our children, regardless of the outcome of the November elections.  So, I hope to hear many new voices join in the discussions, so together we can keep this momentum going to create the best possible future for our children.

Let’s put the public back in public education!

Penny Palen,
Former Chair, GEPA
Candidate, School Board - District 2