Thursday, December 16, 2010

Please Help with Email Campaign to Governor McDonnell!

As many of us are aware, Goochland County Public Schools are facing
yet another difficult budget cycle.  There is a little known element
to the school's budget that we need to address directly to Governor
McDonnell - and it must be addressed today.

In August 2010, Congress enacted the Federal Education Jobs Fund.
This Federal fund was to be used to replace the funds lost due to the
dramatic budget cuts – to restore the quality of classroom instruction
in K-12 schools.  Virginia schools received approximately $250 million
from this fund.

Our govenor is trying to REDUCE next year's state funding to the
school districts by the amount of federal aid each district received.
This is absolutely unacceptable.  As I explained to my 11-year old
son, it is akin to your Grandmother giving you $20 for your birthday,
but then having that amount deducted from your allowance, as you have
already been paid for that month. Then, your parents get to spend that
$20 on themselves. Goochland schools received about $260,000 in these
Federal funds.  We need every penny!

The Goochland Education Parents Association is asking everyone to
please take a few moments and send a message to our Governor in
support of our children's educational dollars.  Below is a sample
letter that you are welcome to copy and paste.  Gov. McDonnell's email
address and Facebook page are linked as well.  (Another interesting
link I have added is a news article written by the VEA President,
Kitty Boitnott, that appeared in the Virginian Pilot in November.)

Penny Palen,
Goochland Education Parents Association

Dear Governor McDonnell,

In this time of further budget cuts to our local school systems,
parents, teachers and citizens of Goochland County are requesting that
Virginia not cut the basic State Aid to our public schools by the
amount of federal funds received under the 2010 Federal Education Jobs

This fund was created to preserve the integrity of K-12 education in
our country.  The goals were to hire teachers, maintain or reduce
class sizes, and preserve & reinstate instructional programs.  To use
this federal aid as an excuse to reduce 2011 state funding would be
inappropriate, as it would have the exact opposite effect of this
bill’s original intention.  Our teachers and programs would once again
be in jeopardy.

The real victims of this, however, are our children.  They deserve a
quality education in Virginia.  The use of federal money to replace
state education funds is unacceptable and unfair to Virginia’s
schools, educators, and most importantly the students.


Friday, December 10, 2010

GEPA now has a P.O. BOX

Have a question or concern?  Feel free to write us at:

Goochland Education Parents Association
P.O. Box 1262
Goochland, VA  23063

Monday, December 6, 2010

GCPS Strategic Plan Needs Volunteers

Subcommittees will begin their work in February and finish by the end of May when their recommendations will be presented to the school board.
The Strategic Plan - Subcommittee Volunteer form can be downloaded online or can be picked up at schools or the Central Office. If you have questions, please call (804) 556-5601 or email Superintendent Linda Underwood.

This is from the GCPS website

Friday, October 1, 2010

GEPA Meeting Notes 9/27 & New Board

Meeting 9/27 at 6:30 at Rocco’s

Meeting was called to order at 6:48 PM by Kristin McNaron, Secretary

Introductions: All in attendance made brief introductions.

Informational Items: We discussed the fact that the GEPA constitution was created in a hasty manner when the group first formed, and that it is in much need of a major revision. The outgoing board, led by Mr. Adeeb Hamzey, worked on draft of a new constitution, but we strongly encourage the new board to complete this work to build a better foundation for the organization.

Nominations: The following nominations were made and accepted:

Chair – Penny Palen

Vice Chair – JD Wright

Treasurer – Jenn Hefner

Secretary – none

Being uncontested, votes were taken by a show of hands, and the new board is accepted. Kristin McNaron has already indicated her term of Secretary will end after September 30, so the organization is in search of nominations for the Secretary position.

Other business: We discussed goals for GEPA in the coming year. These include:

  • More proactively presenting our ideas to both boards before budgets are set
  • Improving internal communications processes
  • Improving our ability to educate public on educational issues
  • Working more closely with PTAs

Next Meeting: Tentatively Monday, October 18th at the library – Adeeb took the action item to try to reserve the library

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

GEPA Election, Monday, Sept 27 at 6:30 pm

Parents --- It's TIME . . . time to elect a new board for GEPA. Please plan to attend Monday, September 27 at 6:30 PM at Rocco's.


Monday, August 23, 2010

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to all Goochland students, teachers, and school staff! We hope that today marks the start of a stellar school year for everyone.

Note that there is a School Board workshop tomorrow (Tuesday, August 24) at 6:30 at the High School. The agenda is here:

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Next GEPA Meeting, Tuesday, July 20, 7 PM at Goochland Library

The monthly open GEPA meeting will be held at 7.00 p.m. on Tuesday 20, July 2010, in the Goochland Library Meeting Room. Please mark the date in your calendar! (The library is closed, but the meeting room is available.)

Our goal is to hold regularly scheduled GEPA meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

We'll be following up with an agenda, but wanted to make sure you saved this date.

There's a lot going on in our schools right now, and parents need to keep working together for the benefit of all of our children, and to support quality public education in this County.

On a side note, your blog moderator/Secretary Kristin was on vacation during the July 6th BoS meeting and July 13th SB meeting, so I am trying to pull together notes from several sources to post for you. I will post them as soon as I can. The excellent blog "Goochland on My Mind" does have a post about the BoS meeting here. Ms. Warwick noted that GEPA's comments (delivered by Mr. JD Wright) appear about 58 minutes into the audio recording of the afternoon BoS meeting. The recordings are available here.

Friday, July 9, 2010

July 13 School Board meeting

On Tuesday there will be a regularly scheduled School Board meeting at 7 PM in the GHS Auditorium. It's important to continue to attend SB meetings throughout the summer. Please try to be there! The agenda can be found online here:

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Reminders & Minutes from 6/29 GEPA Meeting


Parents of elementary gifted students: there is a meeting to review the gifted transition plan at 7 PM Thursday, July 1 at GES.

All Goochland citizens are invited to attend the July 6th BOS meetings at 3 & 7 PM. The agenda has not yet been published, but we are aware that there will be an agenda item related to recent issues in the running of the school system. We’ll post the agenda as soon as it is published.

All Goochland citizens are invited to attend the July 13th School Board meeting at 7 PM at GHS. The agenda has not yet been published, but we will post it as soon as it is.

Minutes of the GEPA General Meeting, June 29, 2010, 7 PM at Rocco’s

The meeting was called to order by GEPA Chairperson Jo D Hosken at 7:08 PM.

There were no changes to the agenda.

Beth Hardy, a parent of children in Goochland schools, presented a petition begun by parents concerned about the actions of the school board and superintendent in recent months. The petition is being circulated in hard copy and online at . This petition will be presented to the Board of Supervisors on July 6th, to the school board on July 13th, and to the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE).

Penny Palen, a parent of children in Goochland schools, shared information about what options citizens have in regards to the school board and issues we’ve faced. The current school board has 18 months remaining in office. Citizens have a legal option to petition the circuit court to remove a school board member from office. The petition must provide the signatures of the number of voting-eligible residents equivalent to 10% of the number of votes cast in the previous election. (So if a school board member received 800 votes, the petition must contain at least 80 signatures). A period of Q&A followed on the subject of what it would take to make this petition. The relevant code is here: § 24.2-233. Removal of elected and certain appointed officers by courts.

Jane Christie, a parent of children in Goochland schools and Vice Chair of GEPA, shared information on what recourse citizens have in regards to the school superintendent. Section 22.1-65 of the Code of Virginia provides that a Superintendent can be fined, suspended from office for a limited period or removed from office by either the Board of Education (VDOE), upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools (Dr. Patricia Wright), or by the school board for sufficient cause. GEPA is collecting a list of issues/grievances with superintendent Underwood to share at the July 6th Board of Supervisors meeting and with the VDOE.

Other parents shared their concerns and ideas with the group.

In closing, parents and teachers were invited to share any issues and concerns with the schools with GEPA. You may communicate in complete confidence with the GEPA Board at

Some follow-up facts:

In the minutes of the meeting this week, you will note that a certain percentage of registered voters must sign the petitions to remove school board members. Here are the actual vote counts for the current board members from the 2007 election:


PETITION (10-15%)

District 1: Haskell 788 total votes 79-118 registered voters

District 2: Miller 771 total votes 78-117 registered voters

District 3: Maddox 773 total votes 78-117 registered voters

District 4: Meng 922 total votes 93-138 registered voters

District 5: Cisne 1279 total votes 130-190 registered voters

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Petition regarding Goochland Schools

The linked petition here was started by a concerned parent in the community. Please consider signing it and pass it along to other Goochland residents. The text of the petition reads. "We, the undersigned, feel that the GCPS School Board and Superintendent Underwood do not represent the views of the parents and constituents in our County, and we do not support the manner in which they are applying our resources."

The donation page at the end is not associated with Goochland schools or any Goochland organization. You do not need to donate to have your signature counted.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Important GEPA Meeting Tuesday June 29, 7 PM at Rocco's

On Tuesday night at 7:00 we will be having a meeting of any and all parents who want to attend at Rocco's. The goal is to lay out some ideas to stop this madness. The principal switching between GES and RES is the last straw on the camels back. We must find a way to convey to our county and state that we will not accept these broad and sudden changes that we see as destructive to our children's education.

I urge you before you call your realtor or private school or download homeschooling papers to come and meet with other concerned parents and let us find a way to end this downward spiral.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Principal reassignments

Important update regarding both RES and GES principals. Among other items presented at the June 22 was a personnel item that wasn't fully disclosed to the public at the time. RES will now have Mrs. Dianna Gordon as their principal, and GES will now have Mr. Stacey Austin as their principal. The personnel item can be found at . This move brings many questions to mind, but among them are why make this move now, after School Administration has encouraged parents of the now decentralized gifted center to contact principals at their "home" schools in order to provide input and seek information regarding the transition of the effected students, only to have all of those efforts effectively nullified by this reassignment. Another interesting question of note is what further transfers will be made, considering Mr. Austin will now be the direct boss of his wife (a teacher at GES) and Mrs. Gordon will now be the direct boss of her daughter in law (a teacher at RES)?

Please contact Dr. Underwood and/or Connie Foreman (Interim Elementary Instruction Specialist) for any questions you may have regarding these moves. Parent discussion of these matters may be carried out on our forums at

Updated by Kristin, 6/24/10 10:08 PM: While I haven't seen confirmation amongst the personnel actions listed on the website, I've been informed that Miss Hughes has been reassogned to GES and Mrs. Austin has been reassigned to RES.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

6/8/2010 School Board Notes

All materials presented are available online at Check the download packet for the org chart, the Title 1 applications, the audit info, and Ms. Early's presentation. Check the additional handouts for more info, including the previous version of the org chart.

The next meeting of the School Board is 6/22 at 6:30 PM in the Annex Building Conference Room. Many items from this meeting were deferred to that one. The KPMG Audit and revised gifted program are also on the agenda. The agenda has been posted here:


Mr. Mattox and Mr. Meng were absent for this meeting.

Teachers of the year from each school were honored. The county-wide Teacher of the year was announced: Ms. Heather Wilckens from RES.

Action Items:

VRS Contribution

The board needed to decide whether to pick up the 5% employee share of VRS contributions this year. The BoS decided to continue covering this for county employees. The SB voted to approve this.

GES odor

Estimated costs are $3500 to Mosely Architects and $1000 for a smoke test to determine cause of the odor. Dr. Underwood recommended that board approve that once funds can be identified, she may sign the contract. She indicated that she won’t be able to identify funding until after July 1 anyway . The board approved this request.

Eperitus (energy audit)

Costs for the next phase of the audit are $3500 for the deeper dive into the GMS/GHS spike in usage (1st priority) and $3500 for the Technology audit (2nd priority). Dr. Underwood recommended that board approve that once funds can be identified, she may sign the contract. Mr. Haskell asked to take it to the workshop on June 22 (since 2 board members absent) for the vote.

School Health Advisory Report

Presented by Heather Early. Ms. Early spoke about the programs launched through their program, including the Farm to School Program (bringing locally grown farm products to the tables at school) and the Walking Program. The Walking Program was launched at GES this year and will launch at BES and RES next year. Ms. Early talked about childhood obesity and the goals and action items within our schools and community.

Title 1 A

Dr. Underwood presented the Title 1A application. This program is aimed at disadvantaged students. The bulk of the funding goes toward 2 BES reading specialists & 1 GMS reading specialist, materials and supplies, staff development, set-aside for homeless students. The application will be brought to workshop on 6/22 for approval. The position of Parent Involvement Specialist is focused on title 1 reading. They will decrease this position next year, so the responsibility falls on others.

Vision, Mission, Goals

Over the next 3 meetings, the SB will evaluate how far we’ve come or need to go for existing priorities, see if there are additional priorities to be established.

Organizational Chart

Based on the re-org, a draft org chart was presented to the SB. Ms. Erard had asked to get it voted on, but must be approved by July 1. Mr. Haskell asked to defer to June 22. Miller asked that she contact each of the board members for feedback before 6/22.

Title 1 Part D

Unspent neglected & delinquent funds from last year will be combined with next year’s fund to fund a student services specialist and student at Goochland prep. Will bring 6/22 for approval.

Gifted Transition – Connie Foreman is working with several teachers on curriculum and structure. They are also incorporating new gifted regulations. The plan will be presented at the 6/22 board meeting, and there is a tentative meeting with parents on 7/1.

Discipline/Security measures

The Superintendant and School Board cannot comment on specific cases. Parents should refer to student code of conduct and process that is followed on discipline. When events occur, they follow crisis and security plan, and after every event, they review actions and possible improvement. They continue to work with law enforcement, will review all plans like they do every year. If you have questions, Dr Underwood is happy to answer but cannot discuss individual students at any time. The code of conduct goes home with every student at the start of the school year & crisis plan is on the website under School Board. Crisis plan details are held close to the vest to ensure can’t be anticipated if targeted.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 8th School Board Meeting

Reminder that there is a school board meeting on Tuesday, June 8th at GHS. Agenda is here -->

Thursday, June 3, 2010

To parents of elementary gifted students

Elementary Gifted Change
Points to Ponder

Elementary Gifted Education is moving to home school based classes for the 2010 – 2011 school year. As the new curriculum is being created, parents may wish to contact their home school principals and other administrators to offer input and discuss the impact of the change on their children. This document is meant to provide parents with general categories of concerns, along with a few specific points which they may want to have addressed by administration. It is intended to provide a starting point for parents to build on and tailor as they choose. It is not intended as a boilerplate document.

Grouping of students
How and with whom will the gifted students be grouped at each home school?
• Will gifted students be grouped together for homeroom?
• Will there be opportunities for all 3 grades of gifted students to work together in a classroom?
• Will there be opportunities for gifted students to work with their gifted peers at other schools on projects? i.e. a virtual classroom?
• How many children will be in their class(es)?
• What will determine eligibility for gifted classes?
• What would determine that they are no longer eligible for gifted classes?
• Will they have mainstreaming for some classes? If so which ones?
• How long will the plan made for this year remain in place?
• How will field trips be handled?

Gifted Curriculum
What will be the difference in gifted curriculum vs. standard curriculum in grades 3, 4, and 5, by subject?
• What subjects will the designated gifted teacher teach?
• Who will be teaching the other subjects?
• What grade levels will be taught in math? And reading?
• Will there be differentiation in subjects not taught by designated gifted teacher? How?
• Will the designated gifted teacher also be teaching Young Explorers?
• How long will the plan made for this year remain in place?
• How will you determine if change in rigor is needed?
• What external or internal resources will be made available for children who are exceptional in specific subjects?
• Will there be opportunity for differentiation in science? Social studies?

How will the outcomes of the gifted instruction be measured in the home school programs?
• How will the success of the program be evaluated?
• Are there metrics other than SOL scores to evaluate the program’s success?
• Could a survey or matrix be created to evaluate the program?

Who is responsible for gifted program content and results? How will continuity in instruction from year to year be assured?
• Who in each elementary school is accountable for gifted education from K-5th grades ?
• What will the role be of the gifted coordinator be on a day to day basis?
• Will the teachers of gifted students be able to specialize in a subject across the three grade levels so that gifted students have the same teacher for a subject in their 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade years?

Social-emotional wellbeing
• What sort of guidance will be provided for students returning to their home schools?
• What sort of feedback will be provided to parents through the transition?

See the forum thread here of you'd like to add your own questions or comments.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Announcing a new way to communicate with other parents!

We've recently added forums to our website:

This should allow us to interact more readily without creating an
email everytime we do so! Check it out, sign up & post.

OR.....if you choose to just lurk and read, more power to you. Guests
can vote in polls, they just can't post.

Let me know what you think & how we can improve it!

Now that we are taking a collective breath from the budgeting process, you will see GEPA work to increase & improve communications. We'll be adding additional information to this blog in the coming days and weeks, so please . . "stay tuned."

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tender Tots & NAACP Updates

Parents -

At the April 27 school board workshop, I noted that we had requested additional information from both the YMCA and the NAACP from the representatives that spoke that night. As promised, the information is linked below.

The Goochland YMCA is taking on the Tender Tots program that has been cut from the 2010-2011 School Budget. Here you will find the information sheet provided by the YMCA. Enrollment is open, and you may visit the YMCA to sign up.

This week the Goochland Gazette also published a helpful article about the Tender Tots program's transition here.

At the same meeting in April, Mr. Sekou Shabaka spoke about the long-running requests of the NAACP Educational Committee. At that time, Chairman Cisne invited Mr. Shabaka to provide written suggestions & feedback. At the workshop this week, Mr. Shabaka again addressed the board asking them to acknowledge the letter that has been sent. He further asked that the effort be conducted as a distinct project and not part of daily operations of the schools. He noted that there are successful models to learn from, including the SEED school initiative profiled on 60 Minutes and the Brooklyn-based Williamsburg Collegiate School. A copy of the letter from the NAACP to the school board is here.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

School Board vote

I wanted to let you know that the SchoolBoard voted tonight unanimously to approve the Superintendent's proposed budget with no changes since the presentation on May 11th. (Maxwell Cisne was absent, so this was unanimous with the attending 4 board members).

I want to extend on behalf of many people a huge THANK YOU to everyone who emailed or called their reps. And a STANDING OVATION to the speakers tonight --- including over a dozen students representing all 5 Goochland schools. Myself and others around me were moved to tears by the wise words of these children. Several parents got up and spoke without having planned to simply because they were so moved by the young speakers.

I wish I could say that the board was so moved.

We have lost the teachers. We have lost the gifted center. But we aren't done. Stay tuned.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Calling all parents -- School Board meeting Tuesday, May 25th

The final vote on the revised 2010-2011 school budget will be this Tuesday. We highly encourage you to attend and to bring your children with you. Pick up the phone and call your school board reps tomorrow and tell them your thoughts. Then show up at the meeting Tuesday and make a stand . . . show them that we're not done fighting to keep teachers in classrooms.

WHAT: School Board Workhop (Agenda)
WHEN: Tuesday, May 25th at 6:30 PM
WHERE: Goochland County Annex Building

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Special Education Parent Advisory Council Meeting

This meeting is for parents of children receiving special education services:

Special Education Parent Advisory Council
Meeting Notice

Date: May 13, 2010

Time: 6:00 PM

Place: Goochland High School Media Center

Information: The Parent Resource Center
Goochland High School (804) 556-5322, Ext. 4713
or Mrs. Becki Stokes at

Is there anything new at your child's school related to Special
Education? There has been a lot going on this year that will
affect what goes on next!

This is the last meeting of the 2009-2010 school year. Please plan
to attend. We look forward to seeing you.

Goochland Special Education Parent Advisory Committee

Agenda Thursday, May 13, 2010



Transition Update - Bridget Parker

Preschool Update

Special Olympics Update - Jayne Hancock

Parent Resource Center Update - Nell Gambino

Special Education Update - Becki Stokes

Parents' Point

Revisiting Student Recognition

Special Education Information

Privacy Issues



5/11 Superintendent's Revised Budget Proposal

I have scanned and posted Dr. Underwood's budget presentation --> click here.

Please note, that this is a proposed budget, and the School Board will vote on it at their workshop on May 25th. If you have feedback, please contact your School Board representative. Their contact info is HERE. Note that many of them do not get or read their official email address inbox, so I HIGHLY recommend a phone call instead of an email.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

5/11 School Board Meeting

Parents ---

The main agenda item tonight was the revised school budget reductions in response to the Board of Supervisors additional reduction of $317k from the school budget. It was quite notable that the presentation was printed for the SB, but not on the website for the public. The information was projected on a screen, but even moving to the front row it was all I could do to read any of it, particularly at the breakneck pace at which the slides were presented. I obtained a hard copy after the meeting, which I will scan and post in its entirety tomorrow morning. But as a teaser, here are a few notes:

RIF notices were distributed last week (yes, during teacher appreciation week). RIF letters went to 13 teachers (the other reductions are through attrition)

Summary of positions reduced (this is TOTAL, both ones already in the approved budget, plus new recommendations by the superintendent):

21 teachers
5 instructional assistant positions
1 maintenance position
1 procedural due process specialist
1 elementary director
1 HR specialist
1 research and information services position
2 receptionists positions
reduced part-time cleaners hours

"New" reduction recommendations since the 4/6 BOS vote:
$65,000 from facilities (this is the whole facilities budget -- it was "just in case" money, some money is added back to maintenance to offset this)

$13,000 from transportation by reducing number of stops in subdivisions and dead-end roads

$48,000 from maintenance due to reduced electricity rates

Director of Elementary Education (on LOA next year, critical functions assigned to existing staff)

Human Resource Specialist (retired, critical functions assigned to existing staff)

Research and Information Services (resigned, critical functions eliminated or assigned to existing staff)

Procedural Due Process Specialist (position eliminated, the teacher in this position will move back to a classroom position, responsibilities added to school psychologist)

Revised elementary gifted program from center based to school based (assign one enrichment teacher to each elementary school to address Young Explorers and Gifted (grades K-5))

Reduce one additional elementary classroom teacher

GES Odor
Beyond the budget, there was a lengthy conversation about the odor from the bathrooms in Goochland Elementary School. I will spare you the details, other than to say that the school maintenance department has been chasing this smell for 35 or more years. The board approved a request for Mr. Turner to get quotes for professionals to come in and diagnose the root cause of the issue.

Please check back tomorrow for the full presentation once I get it scanned.

Monday, May 10, 2010

School Board Meeting Tuesday, May 11

Parents -- The next school board meeting is Tuesday, May 11 at the High
School at 7 PM. Note that Dr. Underwood will be presenting her
recommendations on further budget reductions during this meeting, so it is
definitely a key one to attend.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Teacher Appreciation Week

Reminder that this week is Teacher Appreciation Week. Check with your schools' PTAs on exact schedule of planned events for the teachers, but at the very least, each and every one of them deserves our heartfelt THANK YOU.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 27 School Board notes

Note: All notes published on this blog are a best effort to translate what is communicated at meetings. Any mistakes here are my own --- please point them out if you see any and I will try to rectify.
Kristin McNaron, GEPA Secretary

Public Comment

Sekou Shabaka spoke on behalf of the Goochland NAACP. He noted that they had been appearing in front of the Goochland School Board for 10 years, addressing the subjects of low test scores, discipline issues, and drop-outs amongst black students, particularly black males. In short, the group feels that no appreciable results have come of their requests in this time. They asked that a neutral entity be brought in to assess the situation and that the school board and administration work with parents and community to build a comprehensive plan on how to address and improve the issues. The NAACP has previously provided recommendations to the board and they have offered community support in execution of a plan. Chairman Cisne asked Mr. Shabaka for written copies of any talking points or recommendations from the NAACP, which Mr. Shabaka indicated that they would provide.

*Note: GEPA board members have requested a copy of the NAACP recommendations as well, along with permission to post them here. We’ll post them as soon as we can.

Karron Myrick’s comments: (this is the written version recapping her spoken statement/request):

I am following up in writing on the request I made at the April 27, 2010 School Board meeting. I asked the board to use consistently these three concepts in the funding decision-making process:

1. Core –What is the fundamental job and service that must be delivered by our public schools? The Virginia Department of Education tells us the most important or core job of the public schools is established by what is tested. The VA Department of Education tests the performance of our schools/students in Reading, Writing, Math, Science and Social Studies. All programs and instruction related services that support this core should be absolutely the very last thing touched in a budget crisis.

2. Research – Life is full of tradeoffs. Research-based decision- making helps everyone (administrators, teachers, and parents) to understand the risks and benefits of decisions made. I urge the administration and teachers of Goochland County Public Schools to base funding decisions on educational research. Outcomes per dollar are the most important thing. How many children does this program impact and how much per child does it cost. Next to that information should be a rating of how closely the item is tied to the essential core mission of schools.

3. Measurement – Measurement is essential in maintaining high standards and tracking progress. Although never perfect, it is a fundamental and an important tool.

I believe the school system is moving away from an efficient, best practice model for the identified gifted students in grades 3-5. I am saddened and baffled that the elementary center-based gifted program is not viewed as core since it is accelerating advanced students in Reading, Writing, Math, Science and Social Studies.
This program really should not be part of cuts. Since GCPS is abandoning a best practice model, I formally request that the school system measure the impact of this change. I ask the system to compile five years of SOL scores for identified gifted students in grades 3-5, and make these scores available to the Gifted Advisory Committee and available for all parents before the new school year. I would like the scores under the new "home school based" model to be compared to this historical data. I hope that the students in their individual schools can achieve scores at a similar level, as their predecessors did in the center-based model.

John Wright spoke on the subject of potential future savings by looking at how the school system obtains computers. Currently Goochland schools lease computers. Mr. Wright read an excerpt of an article about Henrico’s decision to switch to a Dell contract from an Apple contract and the substantial savings gained from the move. Mr. Wright would like the schools to consider this in future planning as existing leases expire.

Cindy Stansberry spoke about students on the ends of the bell curve in the schools. She noted that most instruction was geared toward the middle of the curve, but that students on both ends benefitted far less from that curriculum. She noted that instruction in the schools must address the special needs of the students on the ends.

Jane Christie’s comments: (this is her written recap of her statements/requests to the board)

1. From the School Board minutes, it appears that at least 11 teachers, a math specialist and a reading specialist have left the school system during the current budget cycle. Are there any plans to replace these positions to maintain the current pupil/teacher ratios in Goochland County schools?

2. Are there plans to refill the administrative position vacated by Mr. Brad Franklin, or will this non-teaching position now be eliminated in order to preserve teaching positions?

3. At the last School Board meeting, Dr. Underwood mentioned plans to hire a consultant to assess energy efficiency in our schools. I understand the comment was made that "you have to spend money, to save money". Dr. Adeeb Hamzey, who until recently worked for Dominion Virginia Power, has been offering for years to perform an energy efficiency evaluation of our schools, FREE of charge. Please can the School Board explain the current proposal to spend thousands of dollars to hire a consultant to perform this function in the current economic circumstances?

4. Earlier tonight, Karron Myrick mentioned the influence of peer pressure on gifted students. As a parent, I would like to affirm her comments based on our own experience. Goochland High School has no gifted program for gifted art students. The Blue Ridge program is geared towards Math and Science students and offers primarily Honors classes. Honors classes developed for the top 20% of students are NOT a gifted program! Our eldest daughter was in the first group of gifted students to complete grades 3-5 in the Goochland center-based gifted program, and benefited from continued gifted education during her middle school years. Literally the day she started 9th grade, problems began. Isolated from her intellectual group, and no longer challenged in her studies, she started losing her way academically, electing instead to apply her bright mind to modifying her appearance and behavior, to find social acceptance amongst her peers.

Our family is experiencing first hand the lack of academic motivation, the denial of giftedness, the negative impact of peer pressure and many of the other behavioral problems predicted by the research studies when a gifted child ceases to be academically challenged.

Rogers, K.B. (2007). Lessons learned about educating the gifted and talented: A synthesis of the research on educational practice. Gifted Child Quarterly, 51, 382-396. This synthesis of research over the past 120 years suggests that gifted need daily challenge in their areas of strength – not doing so is associated with stress, depression, and boredom; they need regular unique opportunities for independent work which results in strong academic growth – not doing so is associated with dependence, lowered motivation, and reticence and underachievement; they need subject and grade-based acceleration which has the strongest impact on academic growth and psychological health; they need to socialize with intellectual peers which also produces strong academic and moderate social affective effects; they need curriculum differentiated in pace, content, the amount of practice required and organization which produces significant gains in academic performance and subject specific skills and how much they like school.

Personnel items:

see the agenda packet

Dr. Underwood added Amy Potter to the list, with a Leave of Absence for the remainder of the school year. Dr. Underwood noted that the other 3 LOAs were for the entirety of the coming school year.

Supplemental Appropriation
Dr. Underwood indicated that the final state budget appropriated an additional $162k in State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (part of the Federal ARRA funds) to the county. She clarified that this money would come out of our operating budget and move to grants fund. She has identified expenditures that will meet the criteria of this funding. (This item will be on the BoS agenda next Tuesday.)

2009-2010 School Calendar
This school year students missed 9 instructional days due to inclement weather. Only 6 days were built into the school calendar, with the note that any additional days would be made up by extending the school day. The administration, after consulting principals and teachers, feels that it is not necessary to extend school days. State code requires that students attend either 180 days or 990 hours of instructional time. With the make-up days we have, students will attend 177 days and 1062 hours, so we can meet the mandate using hours of instruction. The instructional calendars and testing schedules have been shifted to accommodate the missed days, and additional hours are not needed. The board voted and approved this recommendation.

2010-2011 School Calendar
There have been no changes and no negative feedback on the proposed calendar since the last meeting. The board voted and approved the proposed calendar. The approved calendar is here:

YMCA Memo of Understanding
See the entire memo in the agenda packet.

The budget reductions in the 2010-2011 budget eliminated the Tender Tots and Virginia Preschool Initiative programs. Jan Kenney spoke on behalf of the YMCA. The YMCA is moving forward to fill the gap by taking over the Tender Tots program. They will use the same curriculum, and the program will be available to the entire community, including financial assistance to those who need it. The YMCA has requested the use of the same program space in the Specialty Center. The memo itself addresses the collaboration between the schools and the YMCA, including the 2nd grade swim lessons, after school care, and the use of school properties for certain programs.

*Note: GEPA board members requested more details on the Tender Tots program and permission to publish this information on this blog. Ms. Kenney indicated that they are currently working on informational flyers and will provide us with that information once it is complete.

Community Policy and Management Team
Dr. Underwood spoke about the fact that schools use funds from this program to provide services that address needs of students in their home schools (or least restrictive programs). Currently there is a policy conflict between Virginia Department of Education and CSA, and the schools do not know the impact of funding this will have. This conflict may force the schools to put the burden of these costs back into the school budget.

Budget Update
Dr. Underwood reviewed a comparison of last year’s budget (the all-time highest for the county schools), this year’s, and next year’s current proposed budget.

Next year’s budget is planned based on having $750k unspent at the end of this school year.

The schools need to make an additional $317k in cuts.

Dr. Underwood will make her proposals for the additional cuts at the May 11th School Board meeting, and will request approval at the May 25th meeting. The budget changes will be reported to the Board of Supervisors at the June 1st meeting.

Other Business
Dr. Underwood indicated that the drug dogs did visit the middle school/high school complex last week. There were 3 “hits” in the school parking lot and disciplinary measures are underway. When asked, she did indicate that the implicated persons were all students.

Mr. Mattox spoke about the Independent Studies and Internships program. This program has $50k in startup from the schools, and 103 students have taken part in the program since then. He requested that Dr. Underwood publish some information about the success of this program.

Mr. Miller asked the board to consider the suggestions that have been made to move meetings next year to better facilities – perhaps the Board of Supervisors room.

Monday, April 26, 2010

School Board Meeting + GEPA meeting 4/27/2010

Parents --

The next meeting of the School Board is Tuesday, April 27th at 6 PM in the Annex Building Conference Room. Here is the agenda this week:

As always, we encourage your attendance!

We will also have a follow-up GEPA meeting at Rocco's immediately following the School Board meeting. Please attend as we will discuss next steps & ideas for helping the schools.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Letter to the School Board

Dear Sirs:

The board of the Goochland Education Parents Association (GEPA) would like to extend a thank you to Mr. Miller for his work as School Board Chairman over the last year, as well as for his many years of service to the county schools. Despite the difficulties of the budget climate this year, we recognize that Goochland has built an impressive school system for such a small county, and our organization exists in part as an effort to not lose ground so hard fought for by administrators, school board members, teachers, and parents over the years.

We would also like to congratulate and welcome Mr. Cisne and Mr. Mattox as the new Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the School Board. We very much look forward to working with you this year.

While this school budget process is winding down, there are still decisions to be made. The School Board must consider how to allocate the negative contingency approved by the Board of Supervisors, must consider how to live within the approved budget, must plan for the appropriate usage of stimulus and grants monies, and must plan for the high likelihood of additional cuts in the future. We sincerely hope that the members of the School Board keep in mind the oft-stated priorities of your constituents as you make these decisions.

As we have communicated since forming in January, we ask that you do the following:

1. Preserve classroom teaching positions.
2. Preserve the current pupil/teacher ratio.
3. Preserve a balanced, full service curriculum of programs and services to fulfill the needs of every child in the GCPS system.
4. Reduce administrative costs and other non-teaching overheads.
5. Operate the GCPS system in the best interests of ALL the children ALL the time.
6. Maintain Goochland property values.

We would like to re-iterate our desire and willingness to work with the School Board to achieve the goals of the parents in the county. It is truly not our desire to make speeches at meetings, but rather to sit at a table with you and have meaningful dialog about how to best support our children's education. You may reach out to us at any time via the board's email address: We remain willing to meet with you individually or via committee.

Kristin McNaron
GEPA Secretary

Raymond Miller
Maxwell Cisne
Ivan Mattox
Jim Haskell
Andrew Meng
Andrew Pryor
William Quarles
Ned Creasy
"Rudy" Butler
Jim Eads
Andrea Erard
Diane Bennett
Jo D Hosken
Jane Christie
Adeeb Hamzey

Thursday, April 15, 2010

GES PTA Landscape Committee Spring Cleanup this FRIDAY April 16

This Friday, April 16, the GES PTA Landscape committee will be working at the school immediately after school to help spruce up some of the grounds. If you are available, whether you have gardening knowledge or not, please come out and lend a hand. There is plenty for anyone to do.

We will be bringing a scoop of mulch from Southern States, wheel barrels, shovels, rakes, clippers, string trimmer, extension cords and hedge clippers, gloves and any other tools we find necessary.

We may also be there from 1-2 to start with some of the weeding and plant dividing.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or just come on out for as much or as little time as you can spare!


Colleen & Bill Williams, Landscaping Committee GES PTA

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April 13th School Board notes

Notes from the 4/13 School Board meeting:

The Board recognized students who made all-state band as well as students and volunteers for Destination Imagination.

Public Comment
GEPA Chair Jo D Hosken re-presented the school board with the GEPA petition. She commented that the parents, the public, and the BOS have all asked them to cut administration instead of teachers where possible. She noted that she understood the SB wished additional VRS funds to be released to the schools, and wished them luck in that endeavor.

School Calendar
The 2010-2011 proposed calendar was presented. Details are posted online here:

The board, at Mr. Haskell’s suggestion, requested to wait until the next meeting (the Workshop on 4/27) before they take action so that public has more opportunity to review and provide feedback.

Budget Update
Dr. Underwood reviewed the BOS budget actions. The BOS left the school budget categories as proposed, but added a contingency of -$317,099. This means that this additional amount must be cut from the SB budget. Dr. Underwood noted that to do so, they were re-evaluating positions, including some being vacated due to attrition (retirement, resignation, leave of absence). She also indicated that they were going back and looking at consolidated services and consultations on efficiencies, including energy efficiency studies by Dominion Power.

At the May 11th SB meeting, Dr. Underwood will make the proposal for the additional cuts.

Special Education Audit
The schools recently had an audit of the special education program conducted. This audit was paid for with stimulus funds. The results of the audit were that some aspects of our program worked well and some did not. The audit provided recommendations for improving the areas that didn’t work as well, including:
• Work with staff and the state to articulate and teach entrance and exit criteria for services
• Work to improve and support the GIST program, which does act as a pre-referral for Special Education services.
• Re-organize the co-taught model
• Consolidate some services

Clarification for the board
Dr. Underwood clarified that when the decision was made at the last meeting to move forward with fixing the electrical at the existing bus garage, some board members seemed to understand that the $1500 would come from the $600,000 CIP appropriation. It was intended was that this money would come from existing operating budget. The board acknowledged this clarification.

New Business
Regarding Budget Process

Mr. Miller noted that at the last BOS meeting, a concern had been expressed by the BOS that the SB should present a budget of the amount requested by the BOS via the County Administrator. The SB chose not to do this, but rather presented was they felt was needed for the schools. Mr. Miller and the board were criticized in the BOS meeting for this.

Mr. Miller read a portion of the Virginia Code (Virginia Code § 22.1-92 - Estimate of moneys needed for public schools; notice of costs to be distributed). He read the following: “It shall be the duty of each division superintendent to prepare, with the approval of the school board, and submit to the governing body or bodies appropriating funds for the school division, by the date specified in 15.2-2503, the estimate of the amount of money deemed to be needed during the next fiscal year for the support of the public schools of the school division.” (See this code here:

Mr. Miller noted that this statement seemed to preclude the SB from presenting multiple options for budgets. He asked that the board consider their response on this matter so that it is clear how they will handle in future years.

Regarding Chairmenship

As indicated at the beginning of the year, Mr. Miller had stayed on as Chairman to see the board through the budget process. As that is winding down, they agreed to turn over chairmanship. Mr. Cisne was elected the new board Chair, and Mr. Mattox as vice chair.

Monday, April 12, 2010

More cuts to Goochland Schools

The next school board meeting is Tuesday April 14th at 7 PM at GHS. Read Jo D's recap from last week as to why YOU NEED TO BE THERE.

More cuts are upon us ! On this past Tuesday, the BOS voted to
maintain the tax rate .This should have put another 582K worth of cuts
to our schools but the county was asked to split the cuts so we are
now facing yet another 317K in cuts.
Several things have been pointed out about these cuts . The BOS has
asked the SB to have these cuts reflect the desires of the parents. Mr
Miller pointed out on Tuesday the 7th that he represented 99% of the
constituents in this budget that eliminates 22 positions.
Dr U has stated to the Times-Dispatch that this will mean further lay-
offs . And postings in the comment section of the Gazette tell us that
bus drivers have already been told that they are on the chopping block
as well.
317K would mean possibly another 5 teachers . Dual bus runs. End to
Center . No telling what other cuts will be thrown at us on Tuesday
night . It is very important that parents , teachers and citizens of
Goochland come out and express how we feel this money should come out
of the budget .
If Mr Miller feels that he is representing 99% he is wrong . He needs
to understand that the parents of GEPA have been representing other
people not just the faces he is most familiar with .
If you believe that this budget should be readdressed and cuts should
be made to admin not teachers. Or bus drivers . If you do not want
classrooms with 26 kids in them , if you do not want your child to
catch the bus at 6 am , if you do not want to lose your job, if you do
not want your collegues to be fired ,if you do not want your property
values to decrease because our quality of education has decreased
there is a School Board meeting on Tuesday April 14th at 7 PM at GHS .
Come out; speak up ; be heard .
The members of GEPA have shown this county twice that cuts do not have
to come from our core of our schools. Now we need everyone else to
tell the School Board that we are not going away and we want cuts to
come from waste.

Friday, April 2, 2010

BOS & Taxes

Parents --

GEPA has been silent on the specific subject of the county proposals regarding taxes. As an association representing many diverse families, it isn't our place to speak on behalf of individuals on what is a very personal matter of opinion.

That said, the Supervisors DO want input from their constituents on the tax issues. We highly encourage you as individuals to reach out to your supervisors and share your opinion on the matter.

The final vote is on Tuesday. Opinions will be made before then -- so I encourage you to call or email today.

For contact info:

District 1
Andrew Pryor

District 2
William E. Quarles Jr.

District 3
Ned S. Creasey

District 4
Malvern R. Butler
(804)784-4241(h & f)

District 5
James W. Eads

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

3/30 County Budget Public Hearing

At the start of the hearing on the school budget, Ms. Dickson presented new revisions to the school budget numbers. She indicated that these numbers had changed on Friday 3/26 due to new information on the state budget. The numbers presented were only the category-level totals. GEPA presented a revised budget proposal based upon school budget numbers that were presented at the 3/23 school board meeting. GEPA speakers repeatedly asked for the budget detail behind the category numbers. At the end of the entire hearing process, Mr. Creasey asked that the board request the detailed budget from the school board. Ms. Dickson will make this request on 3/31, and once the information is obtained, it will be publicly posted. There will be no more hearings on the matter, so if you have questions or concerns once we get the new information, you are advised to contact the Board of Supervisors.

Note that the Board will vote on the county budget on April 6th. In response to a question, Ms. Dickson indicated that the budget was required to be complete by May 1.

The GEPA proposal --> Click here

The various versions of the category-level allocations --> Click here. There has been no info shared on the reasoning behind the shifts in the 3/26 version of the school board budget. Please review the GEPA proposal for reasoning for their proposal.

There were three GEPA speakers. Their comments were as follows:


I am speaking on behalf of Goochland Education Parents Association (GEPA) to assure you that parents and county citizens are still very much committed to continue engagement in the workings of our local government, more specifically the Public School System.

We feel it is our obligation to facilitate ongoing communication with you and the School Board, collectively and individually, and to influence your decisions with respect to quality education for our children. Our aim is to work together towards a common goal; that of being good stewards of County resources in the best interest of the general public.

This budget process has been a difficult road, one which had not been traveled prior. We take pride in being able to challenge the status quo and greatly appreciate your willingness to lend GEPA a listening ear.

As we come to the final phase of this budget process, we would like to share with you the following:

*GEPA questions certain allocations of funds between categories by Dr.

Underwood in the recent School Board budget, which do not appear to be entirely

in accordance with instructions provided by the Virginia Department of

Education, and may violate the spirit, if not the letter of the Code of

Virginia. These changes are misleading, symbolic at best, and do nothing to help the bottom line, mainly saving the jobs of our teachers.

* GEPA is encouraged, however, to see members of the School Board becoming more
receptive to meaningful discussions and proposed ideas to improve this

* GEPA is pleased to see more cooperation between the two boards in a
manner that better serves the public good.

* GEPA is on record for recognizing members of the Board of
Supervisors and County Administrator for their active involvement, in
a public way, to influence much needed changes to the school budget
submitted by Dr. Underwood and Chairman Miller.

* GEPA looks forward to participatory involvement of a proposed joint committee suggested recently by Chairman Quarles.

Thank you for your time and due diligence in this long and arduous process.


Gentlemen of the Board, Ms. Dickson, thank you for letting us speak to you tonight. My name is Kristin McNaron, and I live at {redacted – KGM}. I speak to you today as the secretary of the GEPA.

The recent re-categorizations in the school budget do absolutely nothing to address the fundamental concerns of the many parents that have spoken to both the School Board and this Board over the last 4-5 months. Specifically, the school budget still retains all of the highly-paid administrative positions, makes no cuts in transportation, maintenance, or technology, and targets classroom teachers and supplies most heavily. We are further concerned about the overall lack of information on where salaries exist in the school budget . . . with no line item detail, no listing of positions by category/sub-category codes, no detail about how positions are being funded by the county versus by grants, it is difficult to get the true picture of where our money is being spent.

Despite this, through research done by GEPA members , we want to illustrate to you that classroom teaching positions DO NOT HAVE TO BE casualties of our current budget predicament. As such, we have revised GEPA’s budget counter-proposal in order to give you an alternative viewpoint into how to fund our school system.

We have provided you all with a copy of our revisions along with supporting materials.

{Kristin walked through highlights of the proposal shown at the top of this post}


My name is Jane Christie, I live at {redacted - KGM}. Gentlemen, I am here on behalf of GEPA to ask for your help in ensuring accountability and transparency in local Government.

Superintendent Underwood recently gave a presentation on school accounting, to you and to the public. The importance of understanding the Function Codes and Object Codes specified by the Virginia Department of Education, when interpreting the School Board budget, was explained, and there seemed to be a suggestion that this was really all too complicated and confusing for the public to grasp.

The only thing we don’t understand, is why the Superintendent would present a budget to the School Board and to the County for approval, when 80% of that budget is NOT supported by the Function Codes and Object Codes the Superintendent has so patiently described. Only 20% of the expenses in the School Board budget are specified in this level of detail, with the balance of $19,853,479, vaguely described in a single line item under each major Category, entitled “salaries and benefits”. When it comes to explaining the largest single expense in the School Board budget, the Function and Object Codes specified by the VDOE are conspicuous by their absence!

The Superintendent is requesting a figure equivalent to approximately half of the projected annual revenue for the entire County, with no Function Codes or Object Codes to account for nearly $20 million of public funds. Gentlemen, as stewards of the tax-payers’ money, we implore you NOT to accept a School Board budget with such an inadequate level of detail. It is imperative to use the codes provided by the VDOE to detail the “big ticket items”, not just the relatively minor budget items. Why would the County accept anything less from the School Board in their budget?

We would like to see the School Board budget specify salaries and benefits separately in EVERY budget category, using the VDOE Function and Object codes. For example, if teaching salaries and benefits were listed under Function Code 61100 for Classroom Instruction, with Object Code 1000 for salaries, and 2000 for benefits, then it would be clear, on the face of the budget, how much taxpayer money was being spent on classroom teaching positions. Changes to this amount could only be made during a public meeting, with School Board approval, which offers the public far better transparency and accountability.

This may also offer a practical way to preserve teaching positions. In January, the School Board implemented a Reduction in Force policy in our schools. The schools currently employ 450 personnel, with around 250 teaching positions, and 200 non-teaching positions. The primary function of a school system is educating children, but only about half of our school system personnel actually teach! To make matters worse, the current RIF process is NOT affecting teaching and non-teaching staff equally - 91 teacher and aides, and only 4 non-teaching staff have been notified that their position may be at risk.

GEPA’s goal, as concerned parents and citizens, is to preserve pupil/teacher ratios and the quality of educational programs in our public schools. We are actively engaged in identifying areas of waste in our schools, to ensure that County funds are efficiently utilized to educate the students in this County to the highest standard attainable with current funding. Quality public education attracts people and businesses to the County, and maintains property values, which helps generate tax revenue for the benefit of all Goochland County residents. We remain willing to work with all concerned to achieve this goal, and ask you to consider the budget proposals we have researched at length, and presented to you here tonight, and to require more detail in the School Board budget prior to approval. Thank you.

Letter from Linda Wise to SB and BOS

Parents -- I just wanted to share with you a wonderful letter (below) from Linda Wise about the school budget and budget process. It's worth your time to read.

Please don't forget -- the hearing on the County budget is tonight at 7 in the Goochland High School auditorium.

Date: March 29,2010

To: Board of Supervisors, School Board, County Administrator, Superintendent, and fellow citizens

A study in opposites…..County Administration vs School Administration

The new County Administrator has taken us from the Dark Ages into the Age of Enlightenment. The new budget process is a terrific step toward giving us the transparency and detailed information we’ve been asking for. Each department made a presentation that gave the public a better understanding of what services they provide along with the complications and intricacies they face in delivering these services. Staff gave us insight into this year’s very difficult budget process and I thank them for their efforts to be more responsible, especially in these tough economic times. Many difficult decisions and cuts were made to their budgets. Ms. Dickson and her staff have proven that by being meticulous in their actions and more forthcoming with information, the citizens can become more understanding and trusting. At the same time we citizens must also remember our responsibility to be informed, knowledgeable and respectful.

Ms. Dickson’s diligence and candor, comes at the most difficult time this County has ever faced. Her style of leadership is positive, realistic and constructive, which will be much needed to face the challenges ahead. Unlike her predecessor she recognizes that she has an obligation to the citizens. Our former County Administrator inflicted great damage to our County by his arrogant, careless and negligent behavior and while he may not be judged in any court, other than that of public opinion, it is more important that the Supervisors recognize his mistakes and learn from them. For once, we feel that County Administration is dealing with the problems and not avoiding them or sweeping them under the carpet. I feel this transparency and frankness not only serves to keep us educated, but helps us to better understand and support our county staff. Her efforts to give the Supervisors more accurate information has given them the knowledge to ask more questions and make better decisions.

On the other hand, we have the Superintendent of Schools and the School Board still stuck in the Dark Ages. Their attitude and demeanor, and the way they conduct business including the budget process, seems reminiscent of our past County Administrator. I attended the March 9th School Board meeting and left feeling like an unwelcome intruder. At BOS meetings the Supervisors and Administrator politely listen to the speakers, occasionally clarifying an issue and thanking them when they are done. At the School Board meeting on the other hand, not only were speakers not thanked but nothing is ever clarified. Unlike BOS meetings where all discussed documents are on overhead screens, we simply sat and watched the School Board shuffle papers around as they mumbled amongst themselves. The sound system makes it impossible to hear or understand much of what is discussed, which adds to the feeling that they really don’t want us to hear them or know what they are doing.

I recently requested information from County Administration pertaining to stimulus money and got an immediate, polite response from Ms. Dickson, and quickly received the information. I also requested detailed budget documents from Dr. Underwood around the same time. I was seeking minutes, spreadsheets, or anything that would give me more insight into how the school budget was discussed and developed and how they reached their decisions. Several emails back and forth with a Staff member followed. At first I was frustrated and angry, feeling I was getting a run-around and that Dr. Underwood simply didn’t want to supply me with these documents. Then I was horrified when told that these documents did not exist. How is it possible that a person in charge of a $25 million dollar budget keeps no notes, documentation, spreadsheets, minutes or recordings of budget discussions and decisions ? This is a person in charge of millions of dollars of taxpayer money. I was told that while there were discussions about budget cuts they were not reflected in the minutes. Apparently, the Superintendent and her School Board did not insist that the same type of self-analysis, research, and discussions be conducted by School Staff, as had been done by County Staff. If they did, there are no documents that reflect this. Dr. Underwood and her Board, by all appearances, have forgotten who they work for………….us. Our votes put the School Board members in place and our money funds their budget. We are the bosses and we have every right to expect transparency, honesty, openness and full disclosure of any and all issues, with the exception of those items that allow them to go into closed session.

Dr. Underwood and the School Board appear stunned, indignant and resentful that parents, citizens or Supervisors dare to question them on their budget process or other matters. It is irresponsible, to say the least, that the analysis of the budget or any other school business, is not done in a thorough, professional and methodical manner, and that these discussions and the resulting determinations are not documented in any way or carefully presented to the public. Either Dr. Underwood and the School Board choose to work under a mantel of secrecy and concealment, or they simply haven’t done their homework well enough to read it in class. Either of these choices is disturbing.

At a recent Supervisor meeting Dr. Underwood gave a presentation (requested by the Supervisors) on categories in her budget. She seemed determined to make her explanation of her budget’s breakdown by funds, categories, function and so on, look like rocket science. It didn’t seem that complicated to me. She explained that a separate Grants fund was set up to track stimulus and other grant money in her budget. Obviously. Not only would you want to track these funds separately, but it would be necessary in order to satisfy the state and federal tracking and reporting requirements. Part of the public’s confusion has been about personnel and where they are located within the various funds, namely Instruction, Administration, Technology, Grants, etc. Dr. Underwood stated that all positions funded by stimulus money are located in the Grants Fund. At first, when questioned by the supervisors she said that all of these positions had to be new positions. Later she stated that some of these positions were actually long time employees who were given new titles and moved to Grants to be funded by stimulus money. She was asked if these people funded by ARRA (stimulus) funds understood that their jobs are not permanent, to which she did not reply. According to Dr. Underwood the following positions were created with ARRA money: Elementary & Parent Involvement Specialist, Student Services Specialist, Elementary ITRT, Alternative Education teachers; Special Education Aides, Special Education Transition Specialist. The impression given at this meeting is that anyone hired with Stimulus money should understand that their job was most likely temporary in nature. When ARRA funds dry up, so does the job, since the County funds cannot sustain them. Are these people who won’t be missed when stimulus money stops?

There are 6 types of ARRA funds received by the Schools listed under Grants, and money in each of these funds cannot be used by another. People funded under the Fiscal Stabilization portion which has now dried up cannot be funded by other ARRA funds. In the 10-11 budget these 6 budget categories include total funds of $558,705 , of which $389,381 (70%) is for salaries. In the approved 09-10 budget, the total for ARRA funds was $817,665, with $534,824 or 66% has gone to salaries. That’s a lot of salaries, but worse than that is that the potential loss of jobs is not a future problem, but a current one. One of the Stimulus funds, the Fiscal Stabilization fund has already dried up. This fund shows a total in 09-10 (current budget) of $264,226 of which $227,716 or 86% is for salaries. That’s $264,226 worth of personnel that could be eliminated as of June 30th. I feel most sorry for long time employees who were moved to this or other ARRA funds, and now their jobs are in jeopardy. I know one young lady, an Elementary Instructional Technology Resource teacher, whose position was moved from Operating to Grants under the Stabilization fund, and whose job has been eliminated. She wasn’t originally hired with Stimulus money, but she’s still been cut, rather than being moved back into the Operating budget.

I’d very much like to see a list of all the employees listed in the current budget under Fiscal Stabilization, because in spite of the impression given at the BOS meeting, all these people have not been cut from the budget. I suspected some had been moved into the Administrative or Instructional funds for the 10-11 budget cycle and I was right. In Dr. Underwood’s budget presentation, she states that an ESL position has been moved to Instruction, and one Alternative Education teacher and the Student Services Specialist have been transferred to another fund under Grants. So, I’d first like to know how the decision was made to keep some and fire others. Second, I’d like to know how you justify saving these jobs, while firing long time teachers. The fact that personnel hired by the Fiscal Stabilization fund are being moved into the 10-11 Operating budget, while some long time teachers are losing their jobs, is an injustice. To me it is a travesty, misuse and abuse of the system. I feel sorry for anyone who loses their job, but based on Underwood’s presentation, people hired with Stimulus money should have been made aware that their jobs would most likely only be funded for 2 or 3 years. Perhaps Dr. Underwood was hoping that once hired, she would be able to fund the positions with County funds, but that is unrealistic. If these cuts were not based on performance evaluations or last hired/first fired criteria, the Board is going to have a lot of explaining to do. Perhaps these evaluations have been done, but at this point the public has been offered no clarification on the process or criteria used.

I will not pretend to know all there is to know about the ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) funds, but I have done some research on the subject. I recognize that there are many stipulations placed on school systems that limit or determine what they can do with this money, however after reading descriptions on the Virginia Stimulus website of how these funds should be used, it is clear that the intent in all of the various grant categories is to help schools continue or enhance programs. Documents from the Virginia Department of Education made this opening statement. “The four principles state that the funds: 1) must be spent quickly to save and create jobs 2) should be used to improve student achievement through school improvement and reform 3) will be subject to additional and more rigorous reporting requirements than normally apply to grant recipients 4) are available for only two to three years and should be invested in ways that do not result in unsustainable continuing commitments after the funding expires.” That makes perfect sense to me. The main thing that jumps off the page is the idea of using the money in ways that are sustainable and make a lasting contribution to improving our schools. Hiring new people results …”in unsustainable continuing commitments after the funding expires.”, unless the job performed is temporary in nature, perhaps like someone doing an evaluation or training.

The information I received from the County says the ARRA funds were used for compensation, tuition reimbursement, software, hardware, staff development and tutoring. All but compensation makes perfect sense. According to VDOE the Fiscal Stabilization fund could have been used for teachers, nurses, library media specialists and support staff, but it could also have been used for tutors, professional development, program evaluation, materials and supplies, parental involvement activities, equipment, transportation and also modernization, renovation, repair and new construction of public school facilities.

Knowing that this money would only be around for a couple of years and that the County as a whole is in deep financial distress, using this money to add new positions that were probably unsustainable in the future is a really bad idea. Instead put the money to work where you could get the best temporary, one time benefit, such as training programs to enhance and train existing teachers; program evaluation, materials, supplies, equipment and modernizing, renovating or repairing school facilities. Heck, putting the money toward a better sound system and overhead screens in the High School would have been money well spent. The other existing ARRA funds listed teachers, tutors, but also professional development, program evaluation, materials and supplies, equipment, and parental involvement activities, so obviously there were other uses for this money besides new personnel. There are some teachers on Dr. Underwood’s list under Grants; particularly in Special Education, and I have no doubt that some or all would be sorely missed, which is why it seems so tragic that they were funded with temporary stimulus money, in the first place. The greatest tragedy now appears that longtime teachers are losing their jobs in order to save people hired with ARRA money.

I’d very much like to see the exact list of positions that were added in the last couple of years, both in Operating and Grants. We seem to keep adding positions, but we can’t pay for teachers or books or programs? Dr. Underwood stated at the Supervisors meeting that the payroll list on the Gazette’s website is incorrect. That’s easy, then give us a new list with titles, budget category and salaries. Even better would be for Dr. Underwood to list these positions accurately in her budget under the proper fund each year, so there would be no misunderstanding or confusion.

In the Approved Budget posted on the website, Dr. Underwood talks of the necessity to cut classroom teachers because of decreased revenues. By her own admission cutting these teachers will have an immediate negative impact on students. How then does she justify eliminating these teachers, when no personnel cuts have been made to Administration, Technology or Transportation ? This has been the concern of citizens and parents. The cuts being made are the ones that will impact the students the most. She states that the following were eliminated from the Instruction budget: 2 intervention teachers, Tender Tots program (which by the way, generates $50,000 in revenue), VA Preschool Initiative program, literacy and math specialists, Drivers Ed, Summer Governor’s school, 2 Special Education teachers, 2 clerical positions, 1 instructional Support teacher, 1 In-School Suspension, 7 classroom teachers, 1 gifted program teacher, materials and supplies were cut 50%. Doesn’t sound good. A total of $169,129 was cut from textbooks, books and subscriptions, education & rec supplies. Can we really afford these types of cuts to books and supplies? Could stimulus money have paid for some of this? I suspect it could. GEPA’s point is that they simply want Underwood and her Board to find places to cut their budget that won’t eliminate teachers or instructional supplies or programs. Up to now, it doesn’t appear that any real effort has been made to address that concern or re-evaluate decisions made.

In the School Board minutes where they voted to support Dr. Underwood’s budget, Mr. Miller made the following speech: “We all have spent many hours thinking of the issues and pondering the ramifications of the choices available. Our goal has been and will always be, to the best of our abilities with the resources allocated to provide for the needs of our students.” “Although you may not agree with decisions that were made in order to arrive at this budget, not supporting this budget would be completely counterproductive.” First, let me say that I don’t feel that the Superintendent directed her Staff to do the same type of thoughtful analysis and creative thinking used by County Staff in order to come up with the best budget possible. I’m equally confident that had she done so, her staff could have come up with many solutions and ideas. That’s simply bad leadership. Secondly, it speaks volumes about the smugness and patronizing attitude of the School Board to think that no matter what they decide, these parents are wrong to question them, and should simply acquiesce. What I find most offensive and unbelievable is that neither the Superintendent nor the School Board members ever seem to feel an obligation or duty to the parents and citizens who were asking respectful, insightful and educated questions. This dismissive, condescending attitude only serves to make all of us feel mistrust and anger. While I can certainly understand their embarrassment and discomfort by recent events, I hope they are able to recognize their mistakes. We assume that they have not performed their jobs correctly, because they have refused to demonstrate to the public anything that proves the contrary. If we are wrong in our perceptions, then prove us wrong by you actions.

When Mr. Miller, School Board Chairman, was asked by the Supervisors, if the explanation of categories and budget decisions was presented to the public, he said he made an attempt. Then he continued to explain that he asked Underwood for mid-year academic achievement reports and shared this with the public. They evaluated cost per pupil and academic achievement per pupil. The public was directly asking for information pertaining to the budget; clarifications on positions and where they were funded, why cuts were made to instructional personnel, programs and supplies, rather than in other areas. How did an achievement report address these questions? Mr. Miller continued to say that the job of the School Board is to select a competent superintendent and let her do her job, and that “…..we rely on auditors to tell us.” Huh? I’ve never known auditors to make evaluations on how a company or local government spends their money or how effectively they have managed it and certainly not evaluate personnel.

Furthermore, after researching documents on the Schools website pertaining to School Board ethics and legal mandates I would like to quote from these documents: “The School Board endorses the concept that community participation in affairs of schools is essential if the school division and the community are to maintain mutual confidence and respect and work together to improve the quality of education for all students.” In another document it states…”The School Board will review its performance annually to ensure its proper discharge of responsibilities to the community.” Perhaps now would be a good time to review its performance and consider its role in providing the public with information and giving them a reason to have confidence and respect. I don’t think the public feels we are working together. And while Mr. Miller insists that the Board basically hires a good person and then allows them to go their merry way. “It is the responsibility of the School Board to maintain and improve the quality of administration and instruction.” This would clearly indicate that the Board has a responsibility to get more involved in the details and ask more questions. From where I sit, the Board appears somewhat glazed over and compliant. One of their duties is to …”Survey, at least annually, the school division to identify critical shortages of teachers and administrative personnel by subject matter…” And finally from their Code of Ethics, two things….”Approach all School Board issues with an open mind, prepared to make the best decision for the whole school system.” and “Do nothing to violate the trust of those who appointed him to the School Board or of those served.” Amen.

With better leadership and more disclosure, this situation could have been avoided. I hope valuable lessons have been learned by all. I would ask the same thing of Dr. Underwood that we have asked of Ms. Dickson…….honesty, integrity and diligence. Denial, misdirection and slight of hand will not help the public to trust you. We expect a sincere effort to communicate the facts and willingness to discuss them. We certainly understand the complexities of both jobs. On the other hand, too many contradictions and confusions have led to a deep mistrust and lack of confidence. I would ask the same thing from the School Board that we have asked from the Board of Supervisors. Keep yourselves informed and educated on the subjects under your control and remember you are accountable to the public. It is your duty to question things and to ask for clarification. It is your job to make sure our children are well educated and that the citizen’s money is well spent. In the words of one Supervisor who has learned some painful lessons over the past couple of years……”Trust but verify.” I also hope more parents and citizens will become involved and better informed and express their opinions and ideas.


Linda Wise

Manakin Sabot