Tuesday, May 25, 2010

School Board vote

I wanted to let you know that the SchoolBoard voted tonight unanimously to approve the Superintendent's proposed budget with no changes since the presentation on May 11th. (Maxwell Cisne was absent, so this was unanimous with the attending 4 board members).

I want to extend on behalf of many people a huge THANK YOU to everyone who emailed or called their reps. And a STANDING OVATION to the speakers tonight --- including over a dozen students representing all 5 Goochland schools. Myself and others around me were moved to tears by the wise words of these children. Several parents got up and spoke without having planned to simply because they were so moved by the young speakers.

I wish I could say that the board was so moved.

We have lost the teachers. We have lost the gifted center. But we aren't done. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. The School Boards legacy was cemented this evening. Despite years of service in their positions, there were dozens of people in that room tonight (not to mention the swarm of people unable to physically get in the door)who will not be able to get past the board's brazen defiance of the public's will.

    It was thrilling to see so many people in attendance. There could have been no more clear indication of the passion the parents have for the subject.
